Control Flow - Loops#

  • while

  • for

  • range

  • continue

  • break

SideNote: counters#

# Initialize a counter variable
counter = 0 
counter = counter + 1
counter = counter + 1

The idea here…is that as the code executes, the value of the counter increases. We’ll use these a lot in loops!


A loop is a procedure to repeat a piece of code.

Avoid copy + pasting#

For repetitive actions, if you find yourself copying + pasting, rethink your strategy.

Loops are one way to avoid this.

lst = ['', '', '']

email = lst[0]
# do something with email 1

email = lst[1] 
# do the same thing with email 2

email = lst[2]
# do the same thing with email 3

while Loops#

A while loop is a procedure to repeat a piece of code while some condition is still met.

while loops always have the structure:

while condition:
    # Loop contents

While condition is true, execute the code contents.

Repeat until condition is no longer True.

while Loop Example I#

number = -5

while number < 0:
    number = number + 1  # must have code to make condition evaluate as False at some point

while Loop Example II#

shopping_budget = 20
bill = 0
index = 0
prices = [3, 4, 10, 3, 2, 15, 7]

while bill < shopping_budget:
    # add cost of item (prices) to bill
    bill = bill + prices[index]
    # increment index each time through the loop
    index = index + 1
    #print bill so we can see what's going on

Class Question #1#

How many temperature values will be output from this while loop before “The tea is cool enough.” is printed?

temperature = 115
while temperature > 112: 
    temperature = temperature - 1
print('The tea is cool enough.')
  • A) 1

  • B) 2

  • C) 3

  • D) 4

  • E) Infinite

Class Question #2#

What will be the value of counter after this loop is run:

keep_looping = True
counter = 0

while keep_looping:

    if counter > 3:
        keep_looping = False

    counter = counter + 1

  • A) 0

  • B) 3

  • C) 4

  • D) 5

  • E) Infinite

for Loops#

A for loop is a procedure a to repeat code for every element in a sequence.

For Loop Example I#

Looping through a list of items

# Define a list of items
list_of_items = ['A', True, 12]

# Loop across each element
for item in list_of_items:
# difference between printing within and outside loop

For Loop Example II#

Looping through a string

# Loop across items in a string
vowels = ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
my_string = 'python'

for char in my_string:
    if char not in vowels:

Class Question #3#

How many values will be printed from this for loop before it first prints “The tea is too hot!”?

temperatures = [114, 115, 116, 117, 118]

for temp in temperatures: 
    if(temp > 115):
        print('The tea is too hot!')
  • A) 1

  • B) 2

  • C) 3

  • D) 4

  • E) Infinite


range is an operator to create a range of numbers, that is often used with loops.

range Examples#

for ind in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
# the asterisk here unpacks the range
# don't worry about this syntax now
print(*range(0, 5))
# Loop across a sequence of numbers, using range
for ind in range(0, 5):
# Range, like indexing, is defined by 'start', 'stop', 'step'
for ind in range(2, 16, 2):
# using range in example above
for temp in range(114, 119): 
    if(temp > 115):
        print('The tea is too hot!')

Class Question #4#

How many values would this loop print and what would be the last value printed?

for ind in range(1, 10, 3):
  • A) values printed: 3; last value: 7

  • B) values printed: 3; last value: 9

  • C) values printed: 4; last value: 9

  • D) values printed: 7; last value: 7

  • E) values printed: 7; last value: 9


continue is a special operator to jump ahead to the next iteration of a loop.

continue examples#

lst = [0, 1, 2, 3]

for item in lst:
    if item == 2:
    print('Luckily that wasn\'t a 2')
courses = ['cogs9', 'cogs18', 'cogs108']

for course in courses:

    if course == 'cogs18':
    print(course + '!')
string = "python"

for char in string: 
    if char == "p" or char == "y":

Counters within loops

A counter within a loop…

calories = [200, 300, 500]
foods = ['cake', 'pie', 'donuts']
counter = 0        # initialize a counter

for val in calories:
    # print val
    # increment by 1
    counter = counter + 1

# print after loop terminates
print("Final counter value:", counter)

Class Question #5#

What will be the value of counter after this code has run:

counter = 0
my_lst = [False, True, False, True]

for item in my_lst:
    if item:
        counter = counter + 1

  • A) 0

  • B) 1

  • C) 2

  • D) 3

  • E) 4


break is a special operator to break out of a loop completely.

break examples#

lst = [0, 1, 2, 3]

for item in lst:
    if item == 2:
courses = ["cogs9", "cogs18", "cogs108"]

for course in courses:

    if course == "cogs18":
string = "love python"

for char in string: 
    if char == "p" or char == "y":
# using range in example above
for temp in range(114, 119): 
    if(temp > 115):
        print('The tea is too hot!')

Class Question #6#

What will the following code print out:

number = 1

while True: 
    if number % 3 == 0:
    number = number + 1
  • A) 1

  • B) 1 2

  • C) 1 2 3

  • D) Something else

  • E) This code prints forever

Class Question #7#

For how many temp will output be printed from this for loop?

(In other words, how many times in this for loop will something be printed out?)

# using range in example above
for temp in range(114, 119): 
    if(temp < 116):
    elif(temp == 116):
        print('The tea is too hot!')
  • A) 0

  • B) 1

  • C) 3

  • D) 5

  • E) 6

Class Question #8#

What will be the value of counter after this code has run:

counter = 0
my_lst = [False, True, False, True]

for item in my_lst:
    if item:
        counter = counter + 1
  • A) 0

  • B) 1

  • C) 2

  • D) 3

  • E) 4

Dictionaries: Indexing & Looping#

dictionary = {'key_1' : 'val_1', 'key_2' : 'val_2'}
# Dictionaries are indexed using their keys
# Loop over a dictionary loops across the keys
#   Inside the loop, you can use the key to access the associated value
for item in dictionary:
    print('Loop Iteration')
    print('\tKey:\t', item)
    print('\tValue:\t', dictionary[item])
# another approach that you will find if you Google
for key, val in dictionary.items():
    print('Loop Iteration')
    print('\tKey:\t', key)
    print('\tValue:\t', val)

Code Style: Loops#

  • for/while statement with a colon at the end on first line

  • all code within the loop inside a code block (indented)

Good Code Style

number = 5
while number < 0: 
    number = number + 1

Code Style to Avoid

while number<0:print(number); number=number+1 # avoid all on a single line

Loops Practice#

Loops Practice #1#

Write a function count_odd() contatining a loop that will add all the odd numbers for the input range together.

def count_odd(range_lower, range_upper):
  • A) I did it!

  • B) I think I did it.

  • C) I started but am now stuck.

  • D) I have no idea where to start.

Loops Practice #2#

Write a function count_vowels() containing a loop that will loop through all the letters in my_name (the input parameter) and count all the vowels in your name.

def count_vowels(my_name):
  • A) I did it!

  • B) I think I did it.

  • C) I started but am now stuck.

  • D) I have no idea where to start.

Loops Practice #3#

Write a function create_dictionary that takes two input lists lst_1 and lst_2. Inside the function, join the two lists to form a dictionary joined_dictionary where the first element in lst_1 is the first key in joined_dictionary and the the first element in lst_2 is the first value in joined_dictionary and so on and so forth. Then return joined_dictionary as the output.

A) I did it!  B) I think I did it.  C) I tried but I am stuck.  D) Super duper lost

def create_dictionary(lst_1, lst_2):
# Note that the two input lists must be the 
# same length for the function to work properly
random_lst_1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
random_lst_2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

create_dictionary(random_lst_1, random_lst_2)